
One key to an effective compliance program is a reporting system – do you have one?

Honoring the Button Down Shirt

All effective compliance programs have several factors in common – one characteristic each will undoubtedly have is a system or process by which employees can report issues or concerns about ethics and compliance internally. Just as important as this mechanism is the notion of addressing any issues openly and transparently, giving employees a sense of ownership and participation in the...

In the world of compliance, proving corrupt intent isn't always easy

The Importance of Understanding Corrupt Intent

When faced with an allegation of corruption and a related investigation, your organization will be better protected by a strong compliance program – and one that requires staff to document their actions, reasoning and good faith effort to act in keeping with the law and the program. Proving corrupt intent can come down to inferences, and it’s best not to...

socail media archiving and security

Best Practices for Social Media Archiving and Security

Includes the results of  in-depth research survey conducted with individuals responsible for enterprise social strategy at mid-sized and large organizations. It examines the increasing use of social media and the associated risks and costs including malware infiltration, increased in data breach. The paper also has details on the variety of regulatory obligations to retain business records generated by or stored in social...

Olympus' history of bribery and corruption has left the corporation with a strict CIA

What the Olympus Corporate Integrity Agreement Can Teach Us

Olympus, the world’s largest manufacturer of optics products, has demonstrated that its culture of corruption is endemic. Having violated the FCPA, the anti-kickback statute and the False Claims Act in a bribery and kickback scandal stretching back several years, the corporation has entered into a strict corporate integrity agreement aimed at ensuring Olympus has an effective anti-corruption compliance program going...

Where food safety is concerned, the consequences of noncompliance can be deadly

Food Safety Criminal Prosecutions

When the well-being of millions of consumers is on the line, the DOJ has no patience for negligence, not to mention criminal intent. Recent cases involving foodborne illness and widespread contamination have brought the issue of food safety to the fore, and the response has been clear: the companies and their executives can face stiff criminal sentences.

Compliance lessons from Qualcomm’s FCPA enforcement action

Lessons From Qualcomm

Having violated the accounting provisions of the FCPA on several occasions, Qualcomm has been the target of an SEC investigation for some time. Last week the regulatory body concluded its enforcement action against Qualcomm, and there are some key lessons to be learned for the compliance practitioner.

New legislation will have companies taking greater care to maintain compliance

Don’t Overlook Your Books

The SEC has been increasingly using the FCPA books and records provision in its pursuit of companies with false accounting records. Since this is a highly attractive strategy from the prosecution’s standpoint, other jurisdictions are introducing comparable legislation to take a similar approach. Here’s what you need to know…

Your front-line staff should be your best compliance envoys

What Good Compliance Looks Like

To elevate “compliance” from an overused buzzword to a real value and operational commitment, leadership must empower their front-line employees to broadcast the organization’s message of ethics and compliance, and trust them to do it.

the VW scandal offers some key lessons for the CCO in crisis management

The VW Scandal

Volkswagen most certainly made a mess of things when they engineered a device to cheat emissions test, but they’ve bungled their part in the investigation as well. Thanks to the actions of some of the company’s top brass, VW has even further damage to its own reputation. The takeaway for the CCO: look at VW as a clear lesson in...

small businesses can expect more compliance requirements in 2016

Compliance 2016: What Small Businesses Can Expect

If you thought the presidential campaign would bring some respite from costly Washington, D.C. compliance requirements, think again. The Affordable Care Act, federal overtime rules and mandatory paid sick leave head the list of 2016 employer concerns. A number of new compliance mandates threaten to put more pressure on employers, and small businesses in particular.

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