How Will Trump II Change DOJ’s Corporate Enforcement Priorities?
Just as compliance professionals across the U.S. were re-evaluating their programs to ensure they align with the DOJ’s latest updates to its compliance program guidance, the presidential election completely changed their calculus. And while the president-elect’s first nominee for attorney general, former U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, withdrew from consideration, regardless of whomever eventually gets the job leading the DOJ under Donald Trump, one thing seems clear: Corporate enforcement will look a lot different in 2025 than it did in 2024. Andrew Dawson, a former federal prosecutor and current partner at Keker, Van Nest & Peters, and Natalia Gindler Corsini, founder and managing director of corporate compliance consulting firm Prae Venire, make predictions about the Trump effect at the DOJ, as well as how subregulatory guidance like the “Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs” more broadly affects compliance teams.
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