In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, government groups have stepped up enforcement of FCPA, making the risks of non-compliance very real to companies who conduct business internationally. The number of FCPA enforcements jumped 85 percent in 2010, with nearly $1 billion in FCPA penalties distributed in 2010, as well as more than $500 million in corporate FCPA settlements. Additionally, regulators are increasingly seeking jail time for individuals involved in the cases.
This ebook provides an overview of the critical role that audit analytics play in an effective compliance program. It’s packed with tips, case studies, and resources for getting started, including an FCPA assessment questionnaire, plus a tip sheet on finding FCPA needles in your compliance haystack. Drawing upon its work with more than 14,700 organizations around the world, ACL developed this guide for internal audit to assist in managing the risks of FCPA effectively and efficiently.
To download and print the ebook, go here:
ACL Services Ltd. is the leading global provider of business assurance technology for audit and compliance professionals. Combining market-leading audit analytics software with centralized content management and exception reporting, ACL technology provides a complete end-to-end business assurance platform that is flexible and scalable to meet the needs of any organization.
ACL provides audit analytics and continuous auditing solutions that can help internal auditors monitor FCPA-related internal controls to prevent and detect violations that could open the organization to broader repercussions, including prosecution, fines, reputation damage and jail time.