21st Century Organizations and Newsjacking: Is this Ethical?

21st Century Organizations and Newsjacking: Is this Ethical?

Corporations and individuals who either insinuate themselves into news stories or report on them in such a way as to capitalize on the events are guilty of newsjacking. You’ve no doubt witnessed this before, though some organizations are subtler than others. But how ethical is this practice, and who determines whether a company is acting ethically?

Business Leaders Must be Ready to Act When Moral Heroism is Needed

Business Leaders Must be Ready to Act When Moral Heroism is Needed

Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for professionals to be asked to compromise their convictions. When considering a hypothetical ethical dilemma, most of us probably believe we'd take the moral high ground, but even the most honorable among us can get ensnared in morally questionable schemes. Make sure you know which lines you're willing to cross when your principles are tested.

Who is Really Responsible For Unethical Behavior?

Who is Really Responsible For Unethical Behavior?

There were some serious systemic issues that allowed two inmates to escape from a New York prison recently. Their prison break unveiled lax internal controls and major ethical lapses on the part of supervisors and management. One key lesson learned from these events: favoritism never bodes well for the many. What are the weaknesses in your internal controls?

Some Reflections on Cheating in Business

Some Reflections on Cheating in Business

It's said that the measure of a person's character is how they behave when no one is looking. Cheating at work can be a very alluring idea, especially when it seems there will be no victims and great benefit. Corporate counsel can have quite the job ahead of them in battling morally questionable conduct, but Jim Nortz offers several suggestions...

Temperance — The Cornerstone of an Ethical Corporate Culture

Temperance — The Cornerstone of an Ethical Corporate Culture

The temptation to bend the rules can be great, particularly when it seems the regulatory watchdogs aren't taking notice and it's clear that issues of noncompliance have gone undetected. Maintaining a culture of ethics means doing the right thing at all times, not allowing yourself to become complacent when it comes to doing business ethically.

Is Trust an Effective Control?

Is Trust an Effective Control?

When trust is violated the damage can be far reaching. The old axiom, “it takes a lifetime to build trust and a second to ruin it” is an apt warning. Trillions of paper profits have been lost because of a loss of trust!

Advising Clients to Pursue an Honorable Course

Advising Clients to Pursue an Honorable Course

As often as not, our clients come to us with difficult problems, expecting more than a recitation of the law; they want to know the right (honorable) thing to do. This is both a great privilege and a great responsibility, and shame on us if we lack the courage of our convictions to steer our clients in the right direction.

Moving the Goalposts: Justice Department Redefines Effective Compliance

Compliance and Ethics: Should One Person Do Both?

The terms compliance and ethics are so closely related that we sometimes assume the functions not only overlap, but are actually one in the same. The compliance officer in most organizations may also be the ethics officer. While compliance and ethics could be viewed as intersecting circles, there is a clear divide. Instant Download: Read it Now Can’t see the...

Financial Institutions and a Lack of Ethics

Financial Institutions and a Lack of Ethics

Financial institutions have been guilty of a host of transgressions lately, and while the offenses are varied, their causes can be traced back to one key issue: a lack of ethics. Despite the issues being well publicized and having resulted in serious reputational harm, the transgressions continue to pile up. They've failed to grasp that increasing compliance resources isn't the...

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