As external pressures scrutinizing executive pay practices continue to intensify, executive compensation weighs heavily on the minds of company leaders. Shareholder activists, investors and employees are demanding greater transparency. The BDO 600 Study examines CEO and CFO compensation plans and pay levels of 600 middle market public companies, reviews the key components of pay packages and provides comparison by title, company size and industry (energy, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, real estate, retail and technology).
Here are a few key findings from the report, one of a two-part series (see the other one on board director compensation):
- Total CEO direct compensation rose by about 12 percent in fiscal year 2020, while total CFO direct compensation also climbed, though at a slightly lower rate (about 10 percent).
- CEOs and CFOs at mid-sized companies had the largest increases (both about 14 percent).
- Salary accounts for an average of 20 percent of total compensation for CEOs and CFOs.
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