Recommendations from Deloitte’s Center for Board Effectiveness on the role audit committee members should play in organizations.
Requirements, Oversight Responsibilities & Effective Strategies
Deloitte Audit Committee Guide
What’s in this guide for audit committee members by Deloitte’s Center for Board Effectiveness:
The unique challenges of today’s business landscape and unprecedented levels of risk are causing audit committees to approach oversight differently than before. From overseeing financial statements to ESG reporting, the increased pressure from regulators and investors has created a major shift within the industry.
Committee members must equip themselves with the tools and information that they need to respond to new demands. To that end, Deloitte’s latest audit committee guide was designed to help members:
- Traverse the latest on requirements and responsibilities as mandated by various governing bodies.
- Understand to effectively navigate the reporting complexities, ever changing accounting standards and regulations.
- Gain the tools and information they need to serve effectively.