
Social Media Week Part II – Sharing in the Compliance Function

Social Media Week Part II – Sharing in the Compliance Function

According to social strategist and author Bryan Kramer, there are five types of people who share content on social media. Each type can be of value to an organization as it integrates social media into its compliance program. Considering the merits of each type of "sharer" can also be helpful in determining which employees can best help elevate the compliance...

Bending the Cost Curve to Avoid the Cadillac Tax

Bending the Cost Curve to Avoid the Cadillac Tax

For decades, health care costs have outpaced the rate of inflation. Faced with a non-deductible Excise Tax on high-cost health care plans, many employers are re-evaluating their benefits strategies to both hold costs down and attract and retain top talent. Enter private exchanges, the benefits of which include more predictable costs and health care solutions aligned with consumers' needs.

Berger FCPA Settlement: Back to the Future

Berger FCPA Settlement: Back to the Future

Louis Berger International has agreed to pay $17 million and retain a compliance monitor for three years to settle bribery charges. At the same time, the Department of Justice handed down judgment on two Berger executives. The case, which was settled a few weeks ago, raises questions about the DOJ's handling of similar cases -- specifically regarding the consistency of...

Leveraging a Global Compliance Network

Leveraging a Global Compliance Network

Compliance officers must rely on partners outside the function to advance their goals -- collaborations with finance or general counsel spring to mind. Leaning on staff without in-depth knowledge of compliance can lead to some potentially serious problems, but the need for partnership remains. So how do you build a global network and maintain a strong compliance program?

The Third Man and the Authority of Chief Compliance Officers

The Third Man and the Authority of Chief Compliance Officers

Whatever your company's stance on to whom the Corporate Compliance Officer should report, what's not in question is that the CCO must be able to act from a place of authority. Strip the CCO of his power and influence, and your compliance program is bound to fail. Tom Fox walks us through five key indicators that a company is setting...

4 Signs of a Weak Culture of Compliance and Ethics

4 Signs of a Weak Culture of Compliance and Ethics

The merits of maintaining a culture of ethics and compliance are obvious -- and many. And yet some companies devote little attention to ethics and compliance, focusing in stead on financial performance (though the two concepts certainly aren't mutually exclusive). Here are our signs of a weak culture of ethics and compliance. A primer on what not to do, you...

Channeling John Steed in Your Tone in the Middle

Channeling John Steed in Your Tone in the Middle

A strong tone at the top is essential to maintaining a culture of compliance. Equally as important, however, is tone in the middle. If your middle managers don't understand or aren't on board with a commitment to operate with integrity and in compliance, the message they project to their teams won't likely be reflective of the organization's values. Are your...

The Microeconomic Perspective on Bribery Incentives

The Microeconomic Perspective on Bribery Incentives

There's no doubt that there are benefits to bribery; if there weren't, corruption wouldn't be such an issue. It's just as plain that the costs of bribery can be great when individuals or companies are caught in the act. Michael Volkov posits that the most rational decision organizations can make when tempted with bribery -- despite the potential gains --...

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