Joshua Goodman, Minna Naranjo and Phil Wiese

Joshua Goodman, Minna Naranjo and Phil Wiese

Joshua Goodman is a partner at Morgan Lewis in Washington, D.C. With federal government experience spanning multiple administrations — including as a deputy assistant director of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and as counsel to the director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition — he represents clients before the FTC, DOJ’s Antitrust Division, state agencies and in court.
Minna Lo Naranjo is a partner at Morgan Lewis in San Francisco. She has worked on litigation, investigation and counseling matters in many industries including pharmaceutical, technology, airline, oil and gas and ride-sharing. Her experience includes multidistrict litigation, class-action and direct action defense, litigation against the DOJ, the FTC and state attorneys general, and counseling on matters spanning cartel and monopolization, breach of contract, fraud and unfair competition.
Phillip Wiese is an associate at Morgan Lewis in San Francisco. He counsels and defends companies in privacy and cybersecurity, as well as in complex commercial and consumer class-action litigation. He helps clients manage data security and other crisis incidents and represents them in any ensuing litigation.