Frank Bucaro is an ethics expert, who is a leading crusader– speaking, training and writing– on the benefits of ethics. He is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and has been inducted into the Council of Peers Award for Excellence (CPAE) Speaker Hall of Fame.
Coming from a background in teaching, with a Master’s degree in Religious Studies, Frank’s career in business spans two decades with the message: not only is good ethics good business, it is also good for business. As an author of numerous articles on ethics and author of the book Trust Me! Insights into Ethical Leadership, Frank has developed unique and humorous insights into the challenges of taking the high road. He provides practical ideas to help with difficult decisions as well as strategies for combating the sometimes blurred lines between right and wrong.
A member of the National Speakers Association, he has earned the designation of CSP which stands for Certified Speaking Professional. This award has been earned by less than 20% of the 3800 members of NSA. He was also presented with NSA’s prestigious CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame Award for excellence and professionalism, an award currently held by fewer than 200 people worldwide.
Frank's latest articles, books and multi-media
What Would You Do?
All of us are faced by those moments when doing what’s right is very different from doing what’s easy or...
The Courageous Leader: Integrating Integrity into Decision Making
Are you the “good” leader? Are you the rules and regulations leader? Are you the leader that rewards people for...
True Leadership Faces a Serious Moral Problem
The cost of failed leadership and a lack of moral awareness is measured not just in monetary terms, but in...
10 Questions Every Leader Needs to Ask
The responsibility for cultivating and maintaining a culture of ethics rests squarely at the top of the org chart. Given...
Compliance and Ethics: Should One Person Do Both?
The terms compliance and ethics are so closely related that we sometimes assume the functions not only overlap, but are...
If Good Ethics is Good Business, What’s the Problem? By Frank Bucaro
Ethics is good for business. Research confirms this, and yet ethical lapses, issues, and at times, corporate behavior causes major...
Is Your Ethics Training a Band-Aid Approach to an Artery Problem?
When issues arise with your ethics program, you have two options for how to solve them: the quick way and...
More About Frank:
“I’ve known and trusted Frank for many years after first seeing him do an amazing keynote. Later had Frank help us build a company code of ethics which served to guide us during rapid growth. Most recently I had Frank in to conduct a 90minute ethics workshop for my Midwest leaders. He’s energetic, passionate, funny and one of the top experts in the world on the topic of ethical leadership.”
Scott Jamieson, VP Midwest Division, Corporate Partnership and Bartlett Tree Investing Solutions
“Frank Bucaro’s presentation on the “High Road of Ethics” was the highlight of our Conference and set the tone with other speakers as well. His colorful examples helped the audience remember the important points of his talk. Our members will be talking about Frank’s examples of valued leadership ethics for a long time. Thank you!”
Carole McLamb, Executive Director, Carolina-Virginias Telephone Membership Association
“Frank presented the closing session at our 4-day convention and trade show and did a fabulous job. Attendees were exhausted from days of training but he was able to entertain as well as deliver an important message. Great at reading an audience and speaking their language. He is probably the most professional “professional speaker” I have worked with in years!”
Meg Collins, Director of Membership Services, Tennessee Health Care Association.