Gurjeet Singh

Gurjeet Singh

Gurjeet Singh is Ayasdi's executive chairman and co-founder. He leads a technology movement that emphasizes the importance of extracting insight from data, not just storing and organizing it.

Singh developed key mathematical and machine-learning algorithms for Topological Data Analysis (TDA) and their applications during his tenure as a graduate student in Stanford’s mathematics department, where he was advised by Ayasdi co-founder Professor Gunnar Carlsson.

He is the author of numerous patents and has been published in a variety of top mathematics and computer-science journals. Before starting Ayasdi, he worked at Google and Texas Instruments. Singh was named by Silicon Valley Business Journal as one of their “40 Under 40” in 2015.

He holds a B.Tech. degree from Delhi University, and a Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics from Stanford University. He lives in Palo Alto with his wife and two children and develops multi-legged robots in his spare time.