Dr. George Aldhizer & Michael Bechara

Dr. George Aldhizer & Michael Bechara

dr. george aldhizer of wake forestAbout the Authors

Dr. George Aldhizer, PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor, joined the Wake Forest University business faculty in July 2001. He currently serves on the Institute of Internal Auditor’s (IIA) International Board of Research and Education Advisors (BREA/CREA) and is a member of the Allegacy Federal Credit Union’s Audit Committee. For his complete bio, follow the link to Dr. Aldhizer's author page.

Michael Bechara Managing Director of Granite Consulting Group Inc.Michael Bechara is managing director of Granite Consulting Group Inc. and the principal author of The Weekly Reconciliation blog (www.weeklyrecon.com). Michael advises clients on profitability, risk assessment, accounting, and post merger integration issues. Recent client success stories have come in the form of greater profitability, process improvement and transfer of technical knowledge to the client. Advising executives and board members on corporate governance, risk and financial management concerns also occupies much of his time. For his complete bio, follow the link to Michael's author page.