This article was republished with permission from FCPAméricas Blog, for which Matteson Ellis is founder, editor and regular contributor.
Latin America is a region of great diversity, from the food to the languages to the cultures and the people. This also means that the forms of bribery in the region can be extremely diverse. Nonetheless, there are some common threats that FCPA practitioners in the region tend to confront time and time again.
Corruption risk in Latin America often arises from three sources: the police, regulatory uncertainty and family-owned businesses. To learn more, watch this complimentary video from the TRACE Anti-Bribery Training Vignettes collection:
The complete collection of these high-level training videos is available through the member-only TRACE Resource Center, an online database of model compliance policies and procedures, local law resources for more than 130 countries, and various other informational documents. For more information on resources available in the TRACE Resource Center or to learn more about TRACE Corporate Membership, you can write to
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